Board :Story Contest
Author :Archon Iyagi
Subject :2nd Place by Megatrolll
Date :12/4
Attention! Forward March!

My family farmed the wilderness land outside of Koguryo city gates. Farming wasn't the most profitable trade and my parents weren't even properly equipped to farm the rough lands efficiently. But my parents managed to make things work for our family since I was the only child.

The biggest problem of living outside of the city gates was the foreign horsemen that ransacked villages and house. And when I was about 10 or 11, the raids were more frequent. I still don't understand to this day why they raided the houses outside of the city gates because there really weren't much to take. We probably had less than what they had and this always puzzled and infuriated me.

When I was around 16, my family lost the shack that we were living when these invaders started a fire throughout the village. My parents went to live with a relative and I decided that I would join the Koguryo army. I initially enlisted for the money. Besides, my parents would have one less mouth to feed.

My early days in the army was miserable because I couldn't be together with my parents. Even when we had nothing to eat, we were happy because we had each other to lean on. But days, months and years with my fellow soldier brought friendship and camaraderie. The training was always intense, but it wasn't unbearable. I did really well among my peers and rose through the ranks relatively quickly. And the money was good. I was able to support myself as well as my parents.

My duties in the Koguryo army it was always just a job. Like how my family used to farm back in the days - essentially an act carried out to feed ourselves. There was not a bigger mission or purpose... until the day the King ordered the army to attack these foreign horsemen from the wilderness who have harassed the Koguryo people for years.

It finally hit me. I didn't join the army to merely feed myself, but to protect the people, the city and the King. What angered me the most was that I complete forgot about the fact that these merciless bandits were the very reason my family was separated. As a matter of fact, they probably tore apart many families when they attacked villages senselessly.

As we marched into the wilderness on the mission to neutralize these bandits, my purpose became clearer and clearer. That I should take my duties to the Koguryo Army and to the King of Koguryo with pride and to carry out my acts with a purpose bigger than mere coins.

When we reached the bandits' hideout, I waited anxiously on the orders from the general. I could feel my feet jitter, excited to carry out my first act of the life's purpose.

Then suddenly, the general shouted "ATTENTION! FORWARD MARCH!"

I charged forward with all I had - the new found purpose in my head and pride in my heart. It gave me firm foothold behind every step and strength behind every swing of my sword. I felt like I was invincible as long I had this clear focus for my acts.

The battle was swift and the Army, our Army, subdued the bandits with ease. But this would only be the beginning of my life's mission and duties to protect my family, my comrade at arms, and the people and the King of Koguryo.

Long live Koguryo!
